Wednesday, 29 April 2015

App Smashing - Show what we know

In Year 4 we are having a great time being able demonstrate our understandings with more than just pen and paper. We are also collaborating to publish our findings.

Using our information gathers (camera, safari, QR reader), we apply the information using a variety of oral presenters (e.g. Tellagami, Chatterpix, Explain Everything, Shadow Puppet, Puppet Pals) and visual presenters (Strip Designer, Skitch, Pic Collage, Word Cloud, Type Drawing) to make a collaborative project using the publishers (iMovie, Book Creator, Keynote). Anything you can send to the Camera Roll can be used in the project.

Working Together (iLive and iLearn)

 In groups of 3 or 4 (iBelong), the students gather their information and outline what they are wanting to include in their final presentation (iThink). To start with this can be done in collaboration with the teacher. Later, they can be given a brief (including a rubric as well to self access). They then divide the information up into sub presentations (storyboard) and assign who will prepare the information using which app. Each group member works on their "part" (iCreate). They may even work on some parts together such as Puppet Pals. The students then collaborate their efforts onto one device using one of the publishers. Final touches such as titles, credits, music and any final narration is done together. A presentation afternoon would be a very powerful motivational tool for the students.

The biggest challenge for the students (iCommunicate) is to make sure all the group members are clear about what they are doing towards the project (iSelf Manage), fast workers help others who need more support (iSupport). They also need to make sure the project will flow and they make it interesting.

The History of the Anzac Biscuits 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Explain our Learning Desktop Style

Explain Everything has been a very popular app on the iPad due to its versatility including giving the learner the ability to explain their understandings both orally and using drawing or annotation.

So, the challenge for classes where we have a mixture of devices is how we are able to simulate a similar experience for our learners on the desktops or laptops.

We could use Photo Booth, but finished product is in mirror image and any writing or symbols are reversed.

A better solution is to use iMovie:

1.  Open iMovie, File ➜ New Event ➜ Name the event
2. To open the camera File ➜ Import Media. This will open the FaceTime Camera
3. Click on red button to start and then click on the same button to stop. Close the window and the clip will be in the event.
4. Create a new movie (plus button on the top bar labelled "New").
5. Import the event into the movie project.
6. Share the project as a new file on the desktop.

You can try to angle the camera on the laptop to film over the students shoulder as they write on a whiteboard, a scrapbook or use equipments to explain their learning.
When using a desktop, use a portable whiteboard to write on while explaining their learning. They could use props such as books, photos, conduct interviews or create a demonstration.

I have created prompt sheets for the students to use while creating their recordings for both iMovie 8 or 9 and for iMovie 10.

Click here to see an example using iMovie to record and explanation of learning


Using Quicktime to screen record while using Kidpix to draw and/or annotate.

Open Kidpix

You can import an image if you wish to annotate a photo, a picture or turn a pdf into a jpeg (through Preview) to annotate a document.

Get it all set up and ready to go, then hide it (place it in the dock)

You are able to create a template if you would like your class to explain the same strategy (maths) or subject.

Then open Quicktime:

Once you have clicked on the "Record" button you will see this message.

Click on Kidpix in the dock and you can start your explanation straight away.
When you have finished, press ⌘, ⌃, ␛ (command, control, escape) and this will stop the recording and bring up the finished recording ready for you to give the file a name and save it.

Click here to see an example of using Qucktime and Kidpix to record the student's learning

These files can be then uploaded into Google Docs, inserted into Keynote, Book Creator, iBook Author or any other applications that can use .mov or .mp4 files.