Monday 13 July 2015

Create a Google Form

I have asked the students to create a Google Form to conduct a survey about "Pets". Here is a step by step guide to creating a simple survey.

1. Go to the Google Drive and select Google Forms.

2. Give your form a title and describe the purpose of your survey (if desired)

3. Start writing your questions. 

There is a variety of answering options to choose from depending on the information you are wanting.

4. Once you have completed your questions, you are able to personalise your survey.

You are able to change the options above, including using images from our computer

5. You can now view the live form and get the link so people can participate in the survey. 

First you can embed the survey into a blog or website.

Or you can use a website to create a QR Code and/or a shortened URL (I have a Chrome Extention to create these). 

6. There will be two files in your Google Drive, the form/survey and the response spreadsheet which collates the responses automatically. 

All done - Have fun. There are many uses for Google Forms any time you wish to collate information or any sort.

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